My year 2022 in TETR.IO

2022 is almost ended, It’s time to look back on my progress in that game. But i started to play this game from May 2021, and tetra league from November 2021, so, i think, i shoud start from very beginning.

Nerd Indicators

As of this writing, my account has 2,384,110.5 XP, which equals to level 638. This is despite the fact that I have played 230 hours and 2273 online matches. Compared to the previous year (668 438 XP, level 209, 66 hours, 495 matches), i got 1,715,672.5 XP and 429 levels for 164 hours and 1778 matches. In average, I played this game for 27 minutes a day, but it’s not very accurate to say that, because there were many days when I didn’t play this game and there were days when I nerfed from morning till night. How much of a nerd do I consider myself? I actually consider myself a pretty big nerd as I have gathered a bunch of stats on how I played this year and I want to share with them.

XP Graph

Yes, the data after July 2022 is quite staggered, because I was too lazy to fill it out, and I did not play that often.

April Fool’s Day — I don’t believe anyone

I was able to play this game on April 1 and you know — I really liked it. The very concept of blocks that can gobble up other blocks is very interesting.

In this video you can see how the event went:

5000000 Blast — event in honor of 5 million users (80% of them are guests)

I also was able to play this game on March 2 and 8, just during the 5 million player event. The goal of the holiday game event was to score 5 million points as quickly as possible. However, the scoring system has the twist. In short, the game increased score multiplier for the original gameplay and decreased score multiplier for of repetitive gameplay. This system was designed to beat loops, but ironically most of the top 100 used a loop specifically designed for this mode. I tried it too to get at least top 1000, but I was just a little bit slower.

In this video you can watch my best attempt in this mode:

Tournaments — a bunch of losers find out who is the lesser loser

Lol I don’t have a lot of skill to participate in major TETR.IO tournaments. However, I found my place in the TETR.IO Amateur Weeklies — A community founded by Ads20000, which runs tournaments with SS or U rank cap.

In all time I managed to take part in 11 tournaments (3 TAWS и 8 TAWS Asia). Only one tournament I managed to win. (TAWS Asia 22), but only because of gimmick lobby settings everyone with should play. Also in 6 of them I took top 8 and one of them I threw off completely.

Tournaments info

40 lines — as fast as possible

My very first attempt at the 40 lines was on May 9, 2021 with a result of 2:29.287. A year and a half later, my record of 40 lines is 42.37 seconds. The difference with my very first record is almost 107 seconds. However, if you count from my last record in 2021 (56.36 on December 13), the difference is 13.99 seconds. Sub 40 is just around the corner for me, but I couldn’t do it this year.

40 lines graph

Blitz — speed without limits

The most boring and nerdy mode in the game, because all you have to do is score points in two minutes. Just let me tell you that my first attempt was also on May 9, 2021 with a score of 22309 points, and my last personal best was on October 1, 2022 with 156362 points. I won’t even show you the graph, it’s boring to look at.

Tetra League — hell

And so we come to the most interesting part of this article. What did I accomplish in the tetra league this year…? Ehhh, let me just show you my ranking chart and explain everything on it.

Tetra Rating Graph

As you can see, I was climbing pretty good until April, but then I got stuck around 20k-21.5k TR. What is the reason for that? Well there are several. The first one is that I played 274 matches all year (less than 1 match per day). Second - I haven’t learned anything new for a long time. But there is a factor that is beyond my control: people at my rank are playing much better than before. The following 2 charts with the general skill metrics (in my opinion) show that I’m keeping up with the people.

Attack per minute graph

Attack per piece (main efficency metric) graph

However, I still feel like I’m not playing well for my rank. Who knows, maybe in 2023 I’ll still be able to get SS or even U rank if character update doesn’t come out. (And I’m pretty sure update won’t come out)

Me in TETR.IO community

I’ve met a lot of other players, but sometimes, I’ve wondered, “Does this game have a Russian-speaking community?” I’ve noticed individual RU players and seen them on country ranking charts, with some I’ve even played personally. And you know, I think I know the answer to this question.

The RU community is too small and has no place where everyone can hang out with each other, but the community still exists in the form of even smaller communities where Tetris is not always the main topic (When two or three people get together to play, can you call that a community?). For this reason, all RU players just take their place in an international community, occasionally crossing paths with each other there and speaking in English.

However, I found a community that plays TETR.IO (almost) every Wednesday. It’s called “Tetris Wednesday” (I’m already imagining rage of the developer) and it has ~15 individual players. I know of 2 other communities with fewer players, but I don’t know anything about them.

I can only speak positively about the international community. People are willing to play with you or are happy to help you. They are fun to play with and I like that.

Summary and plans for the future

In 2022, I definitely got better at playing. I also found people to play with and have the joy (and not only), that other players are getting. I understood how tournaments in TETR.IO are structured.

In 2023 I plan to make an interesting project that could help new players learn the game in Russian. Something like, but more original. I also really want to learn how to play better.

This concludes this article. Happy New Year to you.